Welcome to 2021 – Message from President

Happy New Year from OSEE

It’s been a mighty year for the collective human experience, with much upheaval, deep reflection and adaptation all around. Though we are not beyond the pandemic just yet, as we enter a new year there is something in the air that stirs a collective sense of hope and a reframing of the possible.

For champions of environmental education, there exists significant momentum to build upon this year. We’ve seen beautiful and diverse expressions across Canada, and far beyond, of educators sharing knowledge, resources and strategies designed to scale out skills and comfort for teaching outdoor and nature-based education. This has been borne of both a commitment to these learning approaches being part of every learner’s experience, and because they offer many answers to the needs of teaching, physical and mental well-being, and reflection during this time.

Though our human baselines have changed, many of us have found a sense of groundedness, familiarity, and comfort in tuning our attention to the baselines we can learn to read in flora and fauna, marvelling in the lessons nature offers as a teacher. Perhaps, we may see a groundswell of interest in environmental education and environmental ethics on the back of this collective experience. At OSEE, we have a group of dedicated, creative and passionate board members who are looking forward to continuing to offer you inspiration, resources, and pathways for celebrating, learning, and gathering (albeit, virtually for now!) around environmental education. 

Check out our EE Tools and Resources page to learn about upcoming events and opportunities. We’d also love your input to give shape to our 2021 virtual EcoLinks conference.

Jessie Cowe – OSEE President