• Add your voice to our work as an individual. Access our membership benefits, and support the behind the scenes work of OSEE.
    Add your voice to our work as an individual. Access our membership benefits, sponsor our annual conference, and support the longer-term sustainability of OSEE. This is a 2 year membership, from September 1st 2023 to August 31, 2025
    Support OSEE as an individual in a way that works for you. Join our community, add your voice to our work, and access our membership benefits.

Important message for past members:

If your membership is indicated as “Expired” and you are seeing the option above to “Cancel” or “Abandon”, click “Abandon” – then “Abandon Subscription”.

When you refresh you will see the member subscription options and can renew.

We do apologize for this clunky process, it is a glitch of our membership software. It should be improved for next year!

If your membership is “Active”, you should be all set up to book Interactions Live workshops for free, and to access the whole website, including our Interactions Archives.

If you are having trouble, please email info@osee.ca