A response to Ontario’s Plan to Reopen Schools:

Input, Ideas & Data from OSEE

July 2020

We are excited to share our document intended to provide “Input, Ideas and Data” to respond to the Ministry of Education’s invitation to inform plans and policies for the reopening of schools.  

Read the full report here.

OSEE surveyed educators and environmental education champions and received 16 responses on the question of “Could we make changes in our schools to support more learning outside?”

Our respondents indicated that support is needed from all levels of the Ontario school system to take learning outside. We’ve synthesized and elaborated upon educator input by placing it in 3 needs-based categories: learner needs, educator needs, and school yard needs. This is a living document which we recognize can be made more robust, we welcome input here: info@osee.ca

The document concludes with five recommendations from OSEE to the Ontario Ministry of Education that will help promote more learning outside: