Nature connections posts offer resources, activities and a look across a few nature happenings each month. These posts are intended to point Ontario educators towards opportunities for making connections to nature, the environment and equity in the outdoors as part of one’s teaching practice.
June 2021

June marks #NationalIndigenousHistoryMonth, and June 21 is #IndigenousPeoplesDay! This month’s #NatureConnections highlights special events and celebrations throughout June that honour the diverse histories and cultures of Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island.
June 17 @7pm – Natural Curiosity “Embracing the Shift” webinar series finale: “Reconnecting with Aki”. “Joe Pitawanakwat is a native plant and Indigenous medicine expert who, in conversation with Doug Anderson, will teach about the importance of holding relationship with the land and knowing our more-than-human relatives, while making connections between traditional knowledge and western science.”
June 21 @ 8am – Join TRCA “Land as Teacher: Summer Solstice Celebration” to celebrate and renew relationships to the land, and to each other. This FREE virtual event is open to all – children, families, students, Indigenous and non-Indigenous people – to celebrate through ceremony, drumming, and dancing.”
June 15, 22, 29 – Book a First Story Toronto virtual treaty tour, to learn about the vibrant and diverse Indigenous communities of Toronto. Check out the site for other Indigenous Peoples Month programs offered by Toronto History Museums.
Multiple dates – Urban Indigenous Education Centre – “Celebrate and honour First Nations, Métis & Inuit Cultures and Perspectives. Enjoy Indigenous stories, literature, art, and music. Learn from Indigenous peoples and their experiences. TDSB staff: please sign up for these incredible events for you and your students on Key To Learn.”
Multiple dates – Tune in to High Park Nature Centre for special events throughout June, including “Earth is Life” and “Wild & Queer: A Wonder Wander with Joce Two Crows Tremblay and Faye Mullen.
Multiple dates – Native Child and Family Services Toronto celebrations: “Please join us as we celebrate National Indigenous History Month with events that honour, reflect, and cherish the history, heritage, and diversity of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. To register: rsvp@nativechild.org”
Past Editions
All resources and available webinar replays from events promoted through Nature Connections will catalogued through our digital resource library (forthcoming). Full access to our digital library of EE resources will be made available to OSEE members.
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