The goal through this workshop is to provide teachers with resources to support student investigations in their local environment as it relates to their watershed and natural heritage features. There are activities and resources that can be used both in the classroom and outdoors that help students understand:
- the importance of water to human beings, other life forms and the natural heritage features upon which they rely
- First Nations perspectives and resources
- the water cycle
- what a watershed is
- human impacts on their local watershed
- What protections are in place
- action projects related to local watershed protection
About Jennie:
Jennie Ucar is a retired elementary teacher and principal from TDSB with experience teaching with an ecological focus, writing environmental curriculum for TDSB and for the David Suzuki foundation.
About Susan:
Susan Sheard is a retired elementary teacher from YRDSB with extensive experience teaching outdoor and environmental education, past contributor to York Region Environmental Alliance campaigns, Teaching Green: The Highschool Years. Current contributor to Clearwater Farm curriculum materials.
Both Jennie and Susan are on the board of the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition.