EcoLinks Conference – Fungi in the Forest: May 3, 2025

Join us at the University of Guelph Arboretum for a day of learning to connect to nature through nurturing joy, wellbeing, and a love of learning in the outdoors!  This conference will support educators in building skills and approaches for teaching equitable environmental education but will also provide opportunities for you, as educators to network, build confidence and find supports that may help you on your journey in environmental education.

Who is the conference for?

OSEE’s mission is to support and inspire all educators in Ontario to incorporate environmental education into their practice. The conference is a welcome space for everyone. Content is curated for all formal & non-formal educators across all subjects, students, and anyone with a stake in environmental education. Content may be Ontario specific in some cases, but there will be great value for any educator across Turtle Island.

As a subject association, we, as OSEE, think it is important that we make this as accessible as possible to educators and teachers from all walks of life by hosting the conference on a weekend. 

EcoLinks 2025 tickets are on sale NOW!  Go to TicketBud or click on link below.

  • All general admission tickets will include lunch and a full one-day conference at Guelph Arboretum (Saturday May 3 from 9-3:30 pm) and Mycelium Network Social (Friday May 2 from 7:30-10 pm) at 10C
  • Opening Remarks and Keynote Address TBD
  • Tickets will be limited to first 100 participants to accommodate venue restrictions
  • Vegetarian Lunch is included
  • Childcare will be offered on-site in partnership with @AdventuresWithNature2023.  Have your child attend their own mini conference with team building games, crafts, nature journaling and other activities to promote inquiry-based outdoor learning.  Only $20 (lunch is not provided; bring a bagged lunch) Limited to 20 children.  Tickets are available on TicketBud.
  • Selected vendors will be on-site including Guelph Holzkunste 
  • To volunteer for conference duties or for other questions, please email ecolinks (at)

Link to TicketBud

Core Conference Values

Memberships and Organizational Friend Partners

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Click here to learn how to become an Organizational Friend Partner